The Centumbrie organic flours are born from the milling of our grains grown with organic farming methods.
The grinding is slow and at low temperature with granite masses with a reduced stress effect on the grains, thus allowing to obtain flours of better organoleptic and nutritional quality .
Our flours, in addition to being ground in purity, are free of added additives (milk and derivatives, vitamins, preservatives, malt, etc.)
- Whole Wheat Flour is more nutritious than refined ones, it is a complete flour that provides greater quantities of fiber, proteins, fatty acids and mineral salts, containing whole wheat germ.
Thanks to the monolithic natural stone processing system, the cereal is ground more slowly and the germ, that is the nutritional part of the grain, remains intact, preserving the organoleptic qualities in the best possible way.
Health is important, which is why our product is de-refined and keeps intact the nutritional elements essential to our organism.
Ours is a traditional production process that uses technology to guarantee a very high quality. Everything starts through an optical sorter that identifies any defect present in the beans that enter the machine after being cleaned and continues by passing the product through a metal detector positioned on the chain for an accurate inspection upstream of the packaging process.
Our commitment is to be increasingly eco-sustainable and guarantee our customers the quality of products from a territory, the Umbrian one, rich in biodiversity and excellence, cared to give the best of itself every year, to be the generator of a product really organic.